Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Workflow A workflow PROCESS is a defined SET of one or more workflow STATES that an EC record must pass through for a formal review process. Each workflow STATE has specific users (decision makers) that must accept/reject the EC record which can trigger automatic notifications: WORKFLOW PROCESS
User E User F
User C User D
User A User B
For example, the environment could have a defined workflow PROCESS for change requests ( ECR records) regarding electrical designs similar to: ECR - Electrical
Manufacturing Lead
Engineering Lead
Electrical Project Manager
Jack - Project Manager Jill - Project Manager
Dave- Manufacturing Lead Deb - Manufacturing Lead
Brent - Engineering Lead Barb - Engineering Lead
Submitting a change request (an ECR record) of an electrical design into workflow would automatically result in it entering the correct workflow PROCESS ( ECR – Electrical) at its first workflow STATE (Electrical Project Manager). Two decision makers (Jack Project Manager and Jill Project Manager) are assigned to approve/reject the workflow STATE. Workflow STATES can be configured so only one of its decision makers must approve it before the workflow STATE is advanced, or multiple decision makers must approve it before the workflow STATE is advanced. Once the required decision makers have approved the current workflow STATE, the ECR record is advanced to the next workflow STATE (Engineering Lead) within the workflow PROCESS. Once the ECR record is approved through all its workflow STATES within its workflow PROCESS, the ECR record becomes ACCEPTED and is ready to be assigned to ECN record.
The administrator can configure multiple workflow PROCESSES, each with their specific workflow STATES. The administrator assigns the decision makers to each workflow STATE and configures its setting that determines if one or multiple decision makers must approve the workflow STATE.
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