Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Workflow – Interacting with Workflow
While an EC record is actively in workflow, its [ WORKFLOW_EVENT_LOG ] grid will also be displayed. The [ WORKFLOW_EVENT_LOG ] grid displays specific workflow event information regarding the EC record:
• Which workflow states have been approved/rejected. • When the workflow states were approved/rejected. • The decision maker’s identity that approved/rejected the workflow states. • Etc…
For example, the highlighted row from the following figure notes that the decision maker “JD” approved the ECN record from its CN_EngineeringLead state into the CN_Manufacturing state on 07/02/2018 at 10:08 AM:
By default, the [ WORKFLOW_EVENT_LOG ] grid lists the related workflow events chronologically, with the most recent event at the top of the list. Users can re-order the displayed list by clicking on one of its column headers:
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