Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Introduction – (ECN) Example
With the assigned documents incremented to a Major revision through the creation of its ECN , the user must now CHECKED-OUT and update the assigned documents. The assigned documents are modified based on the information documented within the ECR records that are being incorporated , in accordance with the documentation within the associated ECN record:
Once the required design changes are made to the assigned documents, they will need to be CHECKED-IN (before the related ECN record can be submitted through its workflow). NOTE: Information about the details of the ECN form will be covered later within this manual. For now, just note that the ECN form allows users to enter metadata about the ECN ’s details, such as its ID, DESCRIPTION, and related parts NOTE: Additional information about accessing and editing existing EC records will be covered later within this manual. To update the ECN record, select the document and then display its [ EC ] grid to review its history of IR s/ ECR s/ ECN s. From the [ EC ] grid, select the ECN record with the right-mouse-button and then select its [ VIEW ] command.
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