Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Creating a New EC Record - ECN
NOTE: The administrator can configure options that will restrict when document records can be assigned to an ECN record. For example, administrators may prevent ECN records from being created against documents that have not been incremented to their first Major revision (still in the conceptual revision scheme). Attempting to create an ECN record against document records that are not allowed to have an ECN record created against them will result in a dialog similar to the following:
NOTE: It is not allowed for a document of an associated Linked group to be assigned to more than one open/active IR record or one open/active ECN record at any time. Attempting to assign an associated Linked group document to a secondary IR record or a secondary ECN record will result in a dialog similar to the following:
NOTE: It is allowed for a document of an associated Linked group to be assigned to multiple open/active ECR records.
For more information about what is considered an open/active IR record or an open/active ECN record, please see the Life Cycle chapter of this manual.
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