Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Creating a New EC Record - Automatic
If the administrator configures the environment to automatically create an ECN record when documents are incrementing to their next revision, a dialog similar to the following will be displayed:
The upper portion of the displayed form is used to determine if a new ECN record is required or if the changes about to be made should be part of an existing ECN record (that is still available to be worked on). Adding to an existing ECN record is useful if the user would like to use a single ECN record to document changes against an assembly and several of its components. The lower portion of the form displays the existing ACCEPTED ECR records, allowing the user to select them if they are going to be incorporating by the ECN record. Alternatively (if allowed by the environment), the user could select the [ Fast Track ] option for this ECN record, which will create the ECN record without incorporating either of the ACCEPTED ECR records. The [ Fast Track ] option can be useful when an “emergency” change needs to be made quickly, without worrying about the existing ACCEPTED ECR records. Administrators can also have an expedited workflow approval process for [ Fast Tracked ] ECN records.
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