Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Initial Release ( IR ): This type of record is meant to be a notification record for newly created part numbers. It can be associated to a single part number record or multiple part number records. For example, if a top-level assembly is created with new sub-assemblies and new parts, a single IR record could include all its new part numbers, or individual IR records for each new part number could be generated to process them separately. In most environments, an IR record is expected whenever a new product design is being released for production for the very first time. Engineering Change Request ( ECR ): After a part number is released for production purposes for the first time, it is expected that future updates will be needed throughout its life cycle. When an individual believes a change should be made to a particular part number, they can raise an ECR , which is a record documenting the change they believe is needed. ECR records usually have a one-to-one relationship with a specific part number (they are meant to document the specific change requested to a specific part number). A specific part number may have multiple ECR records against a given revision. ECR records will likely be raised any time after the Initial Release of a part number until the end of the part number’s life cycle. After an ECR record is approved, assigned users will apply its documented changes to its assigned part number and incorporate the ECR record within an ECN record. Engineering Change Notice ( ECN ): After a part number has been released for production purposes for the first time, when that part number has changes applied to it, an ECN record will likely be needed to properly document its changes. An ECN record documents design changes that have been applied so all affected departments are properly notified and can appropriately account for its noted changes. An ECN record can include more than a single part number and it can incorporate more than one ECR record. For example, if there is an assembly with five components that need to have changes applied against them, a single ECN record could be created to document the changes applied to all five components along with their parent assembly. In most environments, an ECN record will be expected for any future Major revisions after a record has been initially release for production (it is a “notification” that changes have been applied to existing part numbers).
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