Advanced Workflow - User Essentials

Data Form – Grids: DOCUMENT


The [ DOCUMENT ] grid displays the EC Data Form’s assigned documents from MechWorks PDM. The fields shown within the grid can be configured by the administrator by including or removing fields and changing their order within the grid. As a visual aid, assigned documents that are Linked together as a group are automatically ordered together within the grid and color-coded within the grid using an alternating pattern of white vs. grey for each Linked group. Referencing the figure above, the first two records are part of a Linked group so they have a white background as compared to the third record which has a grey background since it is part of the next Linked group. Regardless of the EC Data Form’s mode (New, View, or Edit), the records within the [ DOCUMENT ] grid can be selected using the right-mouse button to access a few related commands:

• [View Record]: Opens the assigned document’s Data Form in view mode within MechWorks PDM. • [Edit Record]: Opens the assigned document’s Data Form in edit mode if it is allowed. For example, if the environment does not allow editing a record’s metadata when it is in a RELEASED state and the selected record is for a document that is in a RELEASED state, then this command will open the Data Form of the assigned document in view only mode). • [Open]: Open the assigned document itself (the physical file, usually a CAD file). While the EC Data Form itself is open in its Edit mode and the EC Data Form is NOT in workflow, users can also remove assigned documents because the menu will include the [Remove] command:

NOTE: There must always be at least one assigned document within all EC Data Forms so it is not possible to remove every assigned document. Also, depending on the environment’s options, it may be acceptable to remove assigned documents when the EC Data Form is in its first workflow state.

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