Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Data Form – Grids: ECR
While an ECN Data Form is opened in the Edit mode and the ECN record is not in workflow, users can add or remove ACCEPTED ECR records using its [ ECR ] grid. As a reminder, ACCEPTED ECR records are change requests that have been formally approved to be applied against documents, but have not actually been applied yet. To add an ACCEPTED ECR record, right-mouse select from within the [ ECR ] grid and select [Add]:
The user will be presented with a dialog box (similar to the following dialog). The dialog will list the available ACCEPTED ECR records for the ECN record’s currently assigned documents (see its [ DOCUMENT ] grid):
The user can select one or more of the listed ECR records and then select the dialog’s [ OK ] command. The selected ECR records will be added to the [ ECR ] grid and their status will change from ACCEPTED to PENDING:
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