Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Data Form – Grids: Form
While the EC Data Form is opened in its Edit mode, its [ Form ] grid will be available. The administrator can configure different Data Form layouts (with different Tabs and Fields ) for each type of EC record ( IR / ECR / ECN ). For example, the environment could have multiple ECR Data Form layouts that have different Tabs and Fields available to them (or perhaps the Fields are positioned differently) between an ECR Data Form for what is considered a “mechanicals’ design” ECR Data Form compared to what is considered an “electricals’ design” ECR Data Form.
From the [ Form ] grid, users would be able to manually change the assigned EC Data Form (from its related types of Forms ) by selecting the desired Form from the list of available Forms :
NOTE: The EC Data Form will need to be manually closed and then reopened to see the applied changes of assigning a different Form design.
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