Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Data Form – Buttons: Edit Mode, In Workflow
If the EC Data Form is in workflow and the user has it opened in Edit mode and the user is Not a decision maker for the active workflow state, there are usually four action Buttons in its lower portion: • Its [ In Workflow ] Button is disabled and it is serving as a visual cue to indicate that the EC record is in workflow and that the user is Not a decision maker for the active workflow state. • Selecting its [ OK ] Button results in the EC record being updated (changes made to its fields are written to the database), and the EC Data Form will be automatically closed. • Selecting its [ Cancel ] Button will cancel any changes to the fields within the EC Data Form since the last time that its [Apply] Button was selected and closes the EC Data Form entirely. • Selecting its [ Apply ] Button results in the EC record being updated (changes made to its fields are written to the database), leaving the EC Data Form displayed.
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