Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
Accessing Existing EC Records – Searching
The top section of the EC Search Form allows users to set specific search conditions by selecting one or more of the available [EC Type] selections and one or more of the available [EC State] selections. Optionally, the user can also select from the following: • [ ] Assigned To Me o Returns the EC records where their [USER_ASSIGNED] status is assigned to the user that is executing the search. • [ ] Waiting for my approval in workflow o Returns the EC records currently in a workflow state where the decision maker is the user that is executing the search. • [ ] Idle in workflow for more than “X” Days o Returns the EC records that have been idle in workflow (no one has rejected or approved its current workflow state) for more than the identified amount of days.
Users will frequently use a combination of the available filters to return exactly what is desired. For example:
The above settings filter for all ECR records that are in workflow and have not been rejected or approved within the past 7 Days (as they probably need to be looked at to see why they are stagnant).
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