MWAutoNumber for MechWorks PDM Automation.
AutoNumber Format Options – AutoNumber Tab
Folder Match: File Count In Folder
The File Count In Folder scheme will result in files being placed within a subfolder until a maximum quantity of files is reached within the subfolder. When the maximum quantity of files is reached, a new subfolder will be created and the count will start again. With this scheme, other folder options are used to configure the complete folder structure (also known as the FILE_DIRECTORY assignment). Folder Path: The root folder all subfolders will be created within. Folder Number: The counter for the current subfolder in use. For example, 1 indicates the files will be placed within the first subfolder and 10 indicates the files will be placed within the tenth subfolder. Folder Limit: The maximum number of files per subfolder. Folder Format The format for the name of each subfolder, it controls how many characters in length the subfolder is and if it contains any prefix/postfix characters, etc...
For example, with the options set as above, files are currently being placed within the Z:\VAULT\ 00031 \ folder, as indicated by the preview in the lower left corner.
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