MWAutoNumber for MechWorks PDM Automation.

AutoNumber Format Options – AutoNumber Tab

Folder Match: Use Category Maker Folder Path

The Use Category Maker Folder Path scheme will prompt the user with the [ Category Wizard ] and determine the folder structure based on the [ Category Wizard ] options and the categories selected by the user. Selecting the Use Category Maker Folder Path will cause the Use Categories option (upper right corner in the image above) to be automatically selected. NOTE: Even though the folder structure (FILE_DIRECTORY value), is determined by the selected categories, the physical file name (FILE_NAME) is still determined by the AutoNumber and AutoNumber Format configurations.

For example, the [ Category Wizard ] options might have a root folder of “Z” and subfolders matching each category. If the user then selected categories [Flat] => [Sheet Metal] => [Hood], then the folder path could be “Z:\Flat\Sheet Metal\Hood”.

For more information about configuring the [ Category Wizard ], please see the MechWorks PDM Administrative Manual(s).

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