Advanced Workflow - User Essentials
MechWorks PDM Engineering Change User’s Manual
40136 Bologna Italy
Contents 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Example………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5 2 Creating a New EC Record…………………………………………………………………20 IR…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20 ECR……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23 ECN…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…26 Automatic Creation…………………………………………………………………………………….31 3 The Data Form………………………………………………………………………….………35 Border…………………………………………………………………………………………………………36 Tabs and Fields……………………………………………………………………………………………40 Grids……………………………………………………………………………………………………………41 Buttons……………………………………………………………………………………………………….59 4 Accessing Existing EC Records……………………………………………………………66 EC Grid………………………………………………………………………………………………………..67 View EC History…………………………………………………………………………………………..68 Searching for EC records……………………………………………………………………………..70 Assigning documents to an existing EC record…………………………………………….78 5 Life Cycle of an EC Record………………………………………………………………….83 IR and ECN Life Cycle…………………………………………………………………………………..83 ECR Life Cycle……………………………………………………………………………………………103 6 Workflow…………………………………………………………………………………………118 What is Workflow? (Processes and States)……………………………………………….118 Interacting with Workflow………………………………………………………………………..119 Dynamic States………………………………………………………………………………………….125 Group Review States…………………………………………………………………………………126 On Hold…………………………………………………………………………………………………….132 7 Exporting…………………………………………………………………………………………134
40136 Bologna Italy
The MW Engineering Change application supports three distinct types of Engineering Change records and it is acceptable for an environment to activate as many of the three types as desired: 1. Initial Releases ( IR )
2. Change Requests ( ECR/DCR/CR ) 3. Change Notices ( ECN/DCN/CN )
New Part Number Created
• The IR record documents that new part numbers are being published "to the production process" for the first time. Approving the IR record also approves its assigned documents.
• One or more ECR records are created and formally approved or rejected to properly document requested changes against its assigned documents.
Part/Assembly is Incremented to
• The ECN record documents the changes applied. When the ECN record is approved, the specific REVISION of its assigned documents are also approved. ECN records will frequently have both design records and ECR records assigned to them.
the Next Revision
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Initial Release ( IR ): This type of record is meant to be a notification record for newly created part numbers. It can be associated to a single part number record or multiple part number records. For example, if a top-level assembly is created with new sub-assemblies and new parts, a single IR record could include all its new part numbers, or individual IR records for each new part number could be generated to process them separately. In most environments, an IR record is expected whenever a new product design is being released for production for the very first time. Engineering Change Request ( ECR ): After a part number is released for production purposes for the first time, it is expected that future updates will be needed throughout its life cycle. When an individual believes a change should be made to a particular part number, they can raise an ECR , which is a record documenting the change they believe is needed. ECR records usually have a one-to-one relationship with a specific part number (they are meant to document the specific change requested to a specific part number). A specific part number may have multiple ECR records against a given revision. ECR records will likely be raised any time after the Initial Release of a part number until the end of the part number’s life cycle. After an ECR record is approved, assigned users will apply its documented changes to its assigned part number and incorporate the ECR record within an ECN record. Engineering Change Notice ( ECN ): After a part number has been released for production purposes for the first time, when that part number has changes applied to it, an ECN record will likely be needed to properly document its changes. An ECN record documents design changes that have been applied so all affected departments are properly notified and can appropriately account for its noted changes. An ECN record can include more than a single part number and it can incorporate more than one ECR record. For example, if there is an assembly with five components that need to have changes applied against them, a single ECN record could be created to document the changes applied to all five components along with their parent assembly. In most environments, an ECN record will be expected for any future Major revisions after a record has been initially release for production (it is a “notification” that changes have been applied to existing part numbers).
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Introduction - Example
NOTE: In the following example, the environment is configured with the standard three-tier revision scheme: • PreRelease Revisions: Numeric (00, 01, 02, etc.) • Major Revisions: Alpha (A, B, C, etc.) • Minor Revisions: Alpha/Numeric (A.01, A.02, A.03, etc.) NOTE: Much of the following behavior is configurable by the administrator and the following is just representing a “typical” example. First, a new part is registered within MechWorks PDM – likely from a standard SAVE-AS process and as seen from the following figure it is in a CHECKED-IN state at revision 00:
Within this environment, PreRelease revisions represent conceptual revisions and documents are not “ released for production ” until their first Major revision. Therefore, users can create and approve as many PreRelease revisions as needed without creating an IR record and as seen below, the part is currently RELEASED at revision 02:
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Introduction – (IR) Example
To release a part/assembly for production purposes for its initial production introduction, an IR record can be used to document the process. Select the record with the right-mouse-button and then select [LIFE_CYCLE] [CREATE NEW] [Create IR]:
The IR form will be displayed:
The IR form’s border is green until the user selects its [ Apply ] button which officially creates the IR record. NOTE: Information about the details of the IR form will be covered later within this manual. For now, just note that the IR form allows users to enter metadata about the IR ’s details, such as its ID, DESCRIPTION, and assigned parts. Within this environment the ID is automatically generated and assigned to the IR .
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Introduction – (IR) Example
When the parts assigned to an IR is ready to be released for production usage, the IR record needs to be passed through its defined workflow states which is started by using its [ Submit To Workflow ] button:
NOTE: To submit the IR record to workflow, its assigned documents must be in a CHECKED-IN state. This is because the IR ’s assigned documents automatically enter a “ No Life-Cycle ” status while the IR record is in workflow. Users are not allowed to make design changes to documents that are set to a “ No Life-Cycle ” status:
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Introduction – (IR) Example
Once an IR record has been submitted to workflow, its [ WORKFLOW ] tab and its buttons appear within the IR ’s form to display the IR ’s progress throughout its define workflow processes:
NOTE: Workflows will be covered in more detail later within this manual. For now, consider it a formalized procedure by which several decision makers (such as the Engineering Manager, Manufacturing Manager, and Process Controls Manager) can review the IR record and its assigned documents and either Reject or Approve them. Once all workflow decision makers have approved the IR record, the IR record is approved out of workflow and its assigned documents are automatically RELEASED at their first Major revision (A in the figure below):
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Introduction – (ECR) Example
After parts/assemblies have been released for production, “minor” errors ( like a spelling error ) may be able to be resolved without a formal ECR/ECN process. Within this environment, users can increment documents to the next Minor revision to correct spelling errors and the documents can be Approved at the Minor revision without creating a formal ECR / ECN and without interacting with a formal workflow process (A.01 in the figure below):
Over time, users from any department may believe that a document could be improved if it was changed for one reason or another. In the following example, it has been identified that the document’s material is inadequate and needs to be changed. A user creates an ECR record documenting the request to change the material. Select the part with the right-mouse-button and select [LIFE_CYCLE] [CREATE NEW] [Create ECR]:
The ECR form will be displayed and it can have different fields than the IR form:
The form’s border is green until the user selects its [ Apply ] button which officially creates the ECR record. NOTE: Information about the details of the ECR form will be covered later within this manual. For now, just note that the ECR form allows users to enter metadata about the ECR ’s details, such as its ID, DESCRIPTION, and related parts. Within this environment the ID is automatically generated and assigned to the ECR.
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Introduction – (ECR) Example
Once the ECR record is created it can be updated to also include clarifying documents by attaching documents to the ECR record as needed, such as marked up eDrawings, PDFs, or photos with detailed information:
Once the requested changes have been properly documented, the ECR record needs to be passed through its defined workflow states which is started by using its [ Submit To Workflow ] button:
Unlike IR records and ECN records, there are no STATE requirements regarding the assigned documents of the ECR record (because its process is to document a formal change request).
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Introduction – (ECR) Example
Once an ECR record has been submitted to workflow, its [ WORKFLOW ] tab and its buttons appear within the ECR ’s form to display the ECR ’s progress throughout its define workflow processes:
If the ECR record’s decision makers decide that its requesting changes should NOT be applied to its assigned documents, they can reject the ECR record out of workflow and terminate the ECR record. In this case, the ECR record will not become available to be applied to the assigned documents. If the ECR record’s decision makers decide that its requesting changes SHOULD be applied to its assigned documents, and the ECR record is approved through its workflow, then the ECR record’s status will be set to “ACCEPTED”:
ACCEPTED ECR records are change requests that have been formally approved to be applied against documents, but have not actually been applied yet.
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Introduction – (ECR) Example
For this example, another ECR request is being made against the same documents. Additional ECR records are created using the same technique as noted earlier. In this example, a user creates an ECR record documenting the request to change the document’s size. Select the part with the right-mouse-button and select [LIFE_CYCLE] [CREATE NEW] [Create ECR]:
When this ECR record is also approved through workflow, its assigned documents will have two ACCEPTED ECR records (one documenting the request to change the material, the other documenting the request to change its size). Select the document and then displaying its [ EC ] grid to review its history of IR s/ ECR s/ ECN s:
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Introduction – (ECN) Example
As noted earlier, within this environment Minor revisions are for updates that do not affect form , fit or function . The two ECR examples noted earlier impact the document’s form, fit, and/or function so a Major revision is required to incorporate the associated change requests. The user proceeds by incrementing the document’s revision to its next Major revision and they are automatically prompted to create a new ECN :
The upper portion of the displayed form is used to determine if a new ECN record is required or if the changes about to be made should be part of an existing ECN record (that is still available to be worked on). Adding to an existing ECN record is useful if the user would like to use a single ECN record to document changes against an assembly and several of its components. The lower portion of the form displays the existing ACCEPTED ECR records, allowing the user to select them if they are going to be incorporating by the ECN record. Alternatively (if allowed by the environment), the user could select the [ Fast Track ] option for this ECN record, which will create the ECN record without incorporating either of the ACCEPTED ECR records. The [ Fast Track ] option can be useful when an “emergency” change needs to be made quickly, without worrying about the existing ACCEPTED ECR records. Administrators can also have an expedited workflow approval process for [ Fast Tracked ] ECN records.
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Introduction – (ECN) Example
During the creation of this ECN record, both of its assigned document’s ACCEPTED ECR records were selected to be incorporated within this ECN . The newly created ECN form is displayed in the following figure:
Notice that the description for the newly created ECN record is automatically populated, by automatically concatenating the descriptions from the selected ECR records that are being incorporated . NOTE: An ECN record that is not being [ Fast Tracked ] contains a grid called [ ECR ], which displays the ECR records that are being incorporated . Prior to now, the noted ECR records’ status were noted as ACCEPTED, now the associated ECR records’ status have been automatically changed to PENDING. Finally, notice that the ECN record’s [ Submit To Workflow ] button is currently disabled because its assigned documents have not been CHECKED-OUT and modified yet.
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Introduction – (ECN) Example
With the assigned documents incremented to a Major revision through the creation of its ECN , the user must now CHECKED-OUT and update the assigned documents. The assigned documents are modified based on the information documented within the ECR records that are being incorporated , in accordance with the documentation within the associated ECN record:
Once the required design changes are made to the assigned documents, they will need to be CHECKED-IN (before the related ECN record can be submitted through its workflow). NOTE: Information about the details of the ECN form will be covered later within this manual. For now, just note that the ECN form allows users to enter metadata about the ECN ’s details, such as its ID, DESCRIPTION, and related parts NOTE: Additional information about accessing and editing existing EC records will be covered later within this manual. To update the ECN record, select the document and then display its [ EC ] grid to review its history of IR s/ ECR s/ ECN s. From the [ EC ] grid, select the ECN record with the right-mouse-button and then select its [ VIEW ] command.
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Introduction – (ECN) Example
The ECN ’s form is initially displayed in view-only mode. To open it in a writable mode, select its [ Edit ] button (assuming no other user already has the form opened within its writable mode). NOTE: Additional information regarding the view-only vs. the writable modes will be covered later within this manual.
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Introduction – (ECN) Example
With the ECN record opened in the writable mode, updates to its contents can be managed. Once the requested changes have been properly documented, the ECN record needs to be passed through its defined workflow states which is started by using its [ Submit To Workflow ] button:
NOTE: To submit the ECN record to workflow, its assigned documents must be in a CHECKED-IN state. This is because the ECN ’s assigned documents automatically enter a “ No Life-Cycle ” status while the ECN record is in workflow. Users are not allowed to make design changes to documents that are set to a “ No Life-Cycle ” status:
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Introduction – (ECN) Example
Once an ECN record has been submitted to workflow, its [ WORKFLOW ] tab and its buttons appear within the ECN ’s form to display the ECN ’s progress throughout its define workflow processes:
While the ECN record is in workflow, the various ECN ’s decision makers can review the assigned documents to ensure the documented changes have been properly made. The ECN record and its assigned documents along with its related attachments and associated ECR records are all available for review:
If the ECN record’s decision makers review its assigned documents and determine that the required changes are NOT correctly satisfied, then the ECN record can be rejected out of workflow by selecting its [ Reject ] button followed by its [ Out Of Workflow ] option.
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Introduction – (ECN) Example
Once an ECN record has been rejected from workflow, its assigned documents are automatically updated by removing their “ No Life-Cycle ” status so they can be CHECKED-OUT again, allowing the assigned designer to update the documents accordingly:
Once the assigned design files have been correctly updated, they will need to be CHECKED-IN again before the ECN record can be re-submitted into workflow. NOTE: As noted earlier, to submit an ECN record to workflow, its associated parts must be in a CHECKED-IN state
Once the assigned workflow decision makers have approved the ECN record, the ECN record is approved out of workflow and its associated parts are automatically RELEASED at their noted Major revision (B in the figure below):
NOTE: The processes of creating additional ECR records, new Major and/or Minor revisions, and additional ECN records can be repeated as needed throughout the document’s life time.
40136 Bologna Italy
Manually creating a new IR record. To release documents for production purposes for their initial production introduction, an IR record can be used to document the process. Control+Select the desired documents to select a group of documents, then use the right-mouse-button and select [LIFE_CYCLE] [CREATE NEW] [Create IR]:
The module automatically determines which “related” documents within the associated Linked groups will be assigned to the new IR record. The administrator can configure the options differently regarding the automatic association of Linked group records for each EC record type ( IR vs. ECR vs. ECN ). For example, it is possible to automatically associate all Linked CONFIGURATION specific records when creating an IR record while only associating the specifically selected CONFIGURATION record when creating an ECR record:
The above status dialog is displayed during its calculation process.
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Creating a New EC Record - IR
Once the module has finished processing the associated Linked group analysis, the IR form is displayed and its border is green until the user selects its [ Apply ] button which officially creates the IR record:
The green border means that the IR record does not actually exist yet. The user could select its [ Cancel ] button and the IR record will not be created. If the user selects the [ Apply ] button, then the IR record will be officially created and its border will automatically change to yellow:
NOTE: Selecting [ Cancel ] when the IR form’s border is yellow will merely cancel any metadata changes made within its fields since it was last updated. It does not cancel the existence of the IR record.
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Creating a New EC Record - IR
NOTE: The administrator can configure options that will restrict when document records can be assigned to an IR record. For example, administrators may prevent IR records from being created against documents that have already been incremented to their first Major revision. Attempting to create an IR record against document records that are not allowed to have an IR record created against them will result in a dialog similar to the following:
NOTE: It is not allowed for a document of an associated Linked group to be assigned to more than one open/active IR record or one open/active ECN record at any time. Attempting to assign an associated Linked group document to a secondary IR record or a secondary ECN record will result in a dialog similar to the following:
NOTE: It is allowed for a document of an associated Linked group to be assigned to multiple open/active ECR records.
For more information about what is considered an open/active IR record or an open/active ECN record, please see the Life Cycle chapter of this manual.
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Manually creating a new ECR record. To propose a change to existing documents, Control+Select the desired documents to select a group of documents, then use the right-mouse-button and select [LIFE_CYCLE] [CREATE NEW] [Create ECR]:
The module automatically determines which “related” documents within the associated Linked groups will be assigned to the new ECR record. The administrator can configure the options differently regarding the automatic association of Linked group records for each EC record type ( IR vs. ECR vs. ECN ). For example, it is possible to automatically associate all Linked CONFIGURATION specific records when creating an IR record while only associating the specifically selected CONFIGURATION record when creating an ECR record:
The above status dialog is displayed during its calculation process.
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Creating a New EC Record - ECR
Once the module has finished processing the associated Linked group analysis, the ECR form is displayed and its border is green until the user selects its [ Apply ] button which officially creates the ECR record:
The green border means that the ECR record does not actually exist yet. The user could select its [ Cancel ] button and the ECR record will not be created. If the user selects the [ Apply ] button, then the ECR record will be officially created and its border will automatically change to yellow:
NOTE: Selecting [ Cancel ] when the ECR form’s border is yellow will merely cancel any metadata changes made within its fields since it was last updated. It does not cancel the existence of the ECR record.
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Creating a New EC Record - ECR
NOTE: The administrator can configure options that will restrict when document records can be assigned to an ECR record. For example, administrators may prevent ECR records from being created against documents that have not been incremented to their first Major revision (still in the conceptual revision scheme). Attempting to create an ECR record against document records that are not allowed to have an ECR record created against them will result in a dialog similar to the following:
NOTE: It is allowed for a document of an associated Linked group to be assigned to multiple open/active ECR records.
For more information about what is considered an open/active ECR record, please see the Life Cycle chapter of this manual.
40136 Bologna Italy
Manually creating a new ECN record. To properly document changes to existing documents, Control+Select the desired documents to select a group of documents, then use the right-mouse-button and select [LIFE_CYCLE] [CREATE NEW] [Create ECN]:
The module automatically determines which “related” documents within the associated Linked groups will be assigned to the new ECN record. The administrator can configure the options differently regarding the automatic association of Linked group records for each EC record type ( IR vs. ECR vs. ECN ). For example, it is possible to automatically associate all Linked CONFIGURATION specific records when creating an IR record while only associating the specifically selected CONFIGURATION record when creating an ECN record:
The above status dialog is displayed during its calculation process.
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Creating a New EC Record - ECN
The module will automatically search for all related ECR records that have an ACCEPTED status. If found, it will prompt the user with the list of ACCEPTED ECR records that can be incorporating by the new ECN record :
Users can select one or more of the listed ECR records to incorporate (selected rows are highlighted light blue):
Alternatively (if allowed by the environment), the user could select the [ Fast Track ] option for this ECN record, which will create the ECN record without incorporating any of the ACCEPTED ECR records:
The [ Fast Track ] option can be useful when an “emergency” change needs to be made quickly, without worrying about the existing ACCEPTED ECR records. Administrators can also have an expedited workflow approval process for [ Fast Tracked ] ECN records.
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Creating a New EC Record - ECN
If the assigned documents do not have any ACCEPTED ECR records, the ECN record will automatically assume the [ Fast Track ] methodology by not prompting the user to select ECR records. NOTE: Administrators can configure the environment to avoid the usage of the [ Fast Track ] method for ECN records. In that case, the [ Incorporate ECR(s) ] dialog will not display the [ Fast Track ] option within it, forcing the user to select one or more ACCEPTED ECR records:
If the administrator has configured the environment to avoid the usage of the [ Fast Track ] method and the ECN record’s targeted documents do not have any ACCEPTED ECR records, the user will not be allowed to proceed and it the process will result in a dialog similar to the following:
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Creating a New EC Record - ECN
Once the module has finished processing the associated Linked group analysis, the ECN form is displayed and its border is green until the user selects its [ Apply ] button which officially creates the ECN record:
The green border means that the ECN record does not actually exist yet. The user could select its [ Cancel ] button and the ECN record will not be created. If the user selects the [ Apply ] button, then the ECN record will be officially created and its border will automatically change to yellow. NOTE: All assigned ECR records are properly listed within its [ ECR ] grid, and their descriptions have been concatenated into the ECN records description. [ Fast Tracked ] ECN records will not have an [ ECR ] grid and their description will be empty by default:
NOTE: Selecting [ Cancel ] when the ECN form’s border is yellow will merely cancel any metadata changes made within its fields since it was last updated. It does not cancel the existence of the ECN record.
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Creating a New EC Record - ECN
NOTE: The administrator can configure options that will restrict when document records can be assigned to an ECN record. For example, administrators may prevent ECN records from being created against documents that have not been incremented to their first Major revision (still in the conceptual revision scheme). Attempting to create an ECN record against document records that are not allowed to have an ECN record created against them will result in a dialog similar to the following:
NOTE: It is not allowed for a document of an associated Linked group to be assigned to more than one open/active IR record or one open/active ECN record at any time. Attempting to assign an associated Linked group document to a secondary IR record or a secondary ECN record will result in a dialog similar to the following:
NOTE: It is allowed for a document of an associated Linked group to be assigned to multiple open/active ECR records.
For more information about what is considered an open/active IR record or an open/active ECN record, please see the Life Cycle chapter of this manual.
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Automatically creating a new EC record. The administrator can configure the environment to automatically create an IR , ECR or ECN record during a document’s life-cycle events. For example, the administrator may configure the environment to automatically create an IR record when a document is incremented to its first Major revision and to automatically create an ECN record when a document is incremented to any Major revision after its first Major revision.
If the administrator configures the environment to automatically create an IR record when a document is incrementing to its first Major revision, the user will be presented with a dialog similar to the following:
This dialog is used to determine if a new IR record is to be created or an existing IR record is to be modified by including the selected documents. Adding to an existing IR record is useful if the user would like to use a single IR record to include multiple components.
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Creating a New EC Record - Automatic
Selecting the option to “create” a new IR record results in the IR form being displayed and its border is green until the user selects its [ Apply ] button which officially creates the IR record:
Alternatively, selecting the option to “add” to an existing IR record invokes the module to add the selected documents to the identified IR record, but it will not automatically open/display the IR ’s form. To access it, select the document and then displaying its [ EC ] grid to review its history of IR s/ ECR s/ ECN s:
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Creating a New EC Record - Automatic
If the administrator configures the environment to automatically create an ECN record when documents are incrementing to their next revision, a dialog similar to the following will be displayed:
The upper portion of the displayed form is used to determine if a new ECN record is required or if the changes about to be made should be part of an existing ECN record (that is still available to be worked on). Adding to an existing ECN record is useful if the user would like to use a single ECN record to document changes against an assembly and several of its components. The lower portion of the form displays the existing ACCEPTED ECR records, allowing the user to select them if they are going to be incorporating by the ECN record. Alternatively (if allowed by the environment), the user could select the [ Fast Track ] option for this ECN record, which will create the ECN record without incorporating either of the ACCEPTED ECR records. The [ Fast Track ] option can be useful when an “emergency” change needs to be made quickly, without worrying about the existing ACCEPTED ECR records. Administrators can also have an expedited workflow approval process for [ Fast Tracked ] ECN records.
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Creating a New EC Record - Automatic
Selecting the option to “create” a new ECN record results in the ECN form being displayed and its border is green until the user selects its [ Apply ] button which officially creates the ECN record:
Alternatively, selecting the option to “add” to an existing ECN record invokes the module to add the selected documents to the identified ECN record, but it will not automatically open/display the ECN ’s form. To access it, select the document and then displaying its [ EC ] grid to review its history of IR s/ ECR s/ ECN s:
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EC Data Forms
Essentially, an EC record is a special type of record within MechWorks PDM. Users can interact with the EC records through their Data Forms. The EC Data Forms are composed of several sections: • Border • Tabs and Fields • Grids • Action Buttons
NOTE: The administrator can configure several different styles of Data Forms for different types of records. For example, the environment may be configured with a specific style of an ECR Data Form for “ mechanical ” component processing and a different style of an ECR Data Form for “ electrical ” component processing. This chapter will cover many features of the Data Form in detail.
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Data Form - Border
The Border around the Data Form can be one of three colors, each color signifies a different “mode”: GREEN: New Mode While initiating a new EC record, its Data Form will first be displayed with a green Border :
The green Border indicates that the EC record has not been created yet. Many of its Fields within its Tabs are writable, but users cannot add or remove assigned documents, attachments, and/or ECR records at this time. Selecting its [ OK ] button results in the EC record being created, saved and its Data Form will be automatically closed. Selecting its [ Cancel ] button will cancel the creation of the EC record entirely. Selecting its [ Apply ] button results in the EC record being created and saved while leaving the Data Form displayed and its Border will be updated to a yellow color.
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Data Form - Border
YELLOW: Edit Mode A yellow Border indicates the EC ’s Data Form is in edit mode:
Many of its Fields within its Tabs will be writable. Depending if the EC record is currently in workflow (or optionally its first workflow state), users may be able to: • [ Submit To Workflow ] – if it is not already in workflow.
• [ Approve ] or [ Reject ] the workflow state for the EC record – if it is in workflow. • [ Add ] or [ Remove ] assigned documents to the EC record – depending on workflow. • [ Add ] or [ Remove ] configurations to the EC record – based on options. • [ Add ] or [ Remove ] attachments to the EC record. • [ Add ] or [ Remove ] incorporating ECR records – only applicable for an ECN record. • Reassign the Data Form’s style for the EC (like mechanical vs. electrical ). • [ Terminate ] the EC record – typically a workflow process.
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Data Form - Border
Related topics will be covered in more detail later within the manual when the Grids and Buttons of the EC Data Forms are documented in detail. For now, please note that the availability to many of the EC record’s functionality is directly impacted by its mode (New vs. Edit vs. View).
NOTE: Only one user can open a specific EC record in Edit mode at a time. Similar to how MechWorks PDM ensures that only one user can CHECK-OUT a document at a time, the module only allows one user write access to a particular EC record at a time. If a second user attempts to open an EC record while another user already has it opened using its Edit mode, the second user will only be able to open the EC record in View only mode (until the other user closes the noted EC record).
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Data Form - Border
WHITE: View Only Mode A white Border indicates the EC ’s Data Form is in view-only mode:
The white Border indicates that the EC record is in a read-only mode and changes cannot be made to it at this time. NOTE: Hovering over its [ Edit ] Button at this time will either allow its [ Edit ] Button to be enabled (if the EC record is not already being edited by another user) or display the name of the user that currently has the EC record opened in Edit mode (noted by its Locked By: status):
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Data Form – Tabs and Fields
The upper half of the EC Data Form contains the main metadata information regarding the EC record, organized in groups of Tabs and Fields :
The administrator can configure the Tabs and Fields by adding, removing, or repositioning them as needed. Tabs can be added or removed. Fields can be added or removed from the specific Tabs . The administrator can also control how each Field itself is defined (its style). For example, in the figure above, notice how the height of the DESCRIPTION Field is larger than the other Fields and how some Fields show as drop-down lists while others show as standard text boxes. The administrator can also define different Tabs and different Fields for specific EC record types. For example, ECN records can be configured to display different Tabs and Fields as compared to ECR records; or, ECR records documenting mechanical changes can contain different Tabs and Fields vs. an ECR record documenting electrical changes (perhaps they require different decision makers). What is seen throughout this document are just examples.
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Data Form – Grids
The lower half of the EC Data Form contains multiple Grids which can usually be interacted with (especially if the EC Data Form is being accessed within its Edit mode):
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: DOCUMENT
The [ DOCUMENT ] grid displays the EC Data Form’s assigned documents from MechWorks PDM. The fields shown within the grid can be configured by the administrator by including or removing fields and changing their order within the grid. As a visual aid, assigned documents that are Linked together as a group are automatically ordered together within the grid and color-coded within the grid using an alternating pattern of white vs. grey for each Linked group. Referencing the figure above, the first two records are part of a Linked group so they have a white background as compared to the third record which has a grey background since it is part of the next Linked group. Regardless of the EC Data Form’s mode (New, View, or Edit), the records within the [ DOCUMENT ] grid can be selected using the right-mouse button to access a few related commands:
• [View Record]: Opens the assigned document’s Data Form in view mode within MechWorks PDM. • [Edit Record]: Opens the assigned document’s Data Form in edit mode if it is allowed. For example, if the environment does not allow editing a record’s metadata when it is in a RELEASED state and the selected record is for a document that is in a RELEASED state, then this command will open the Data Form of the assigned document in view only mode). • [Open]: Open the assigned document itself (the physical file, usually a CAD file). While the EC Data Form itself is open in its Edit mode and the EC Data Form is NOT in workflow, users can also remove assigned documents because the menu will include the [Remove] command:
NOTE: There must always be at least one assigned document within all EC Data Forms so it is not possible to remove every assigned document. Also, depending on the environment’s options, it may be acceptable to remove assigned documents when the EC Data Form is in its first workflow state.
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: DOCUMENT
Depending on the environment’s options, decision makers may be able to reject a selected assigned document from “workflow” while the EC Data Form itself remains in workflow. For example, assume that a decision maker is reviewing the assigned drawings and they notice that one of the drawings has a spelling error. If the environment’s options allow it, the assigned document could be rejected from workflow and the EC Data Form itself would be automatically placed [ On Hold ], waiting for the correction to be applied against the assigned document and then resubmitted. For example, the following ECN Data Form is currently in workflow (as a result, its assigned documents are automatically set to a “ No Life-Cycle ” status). A decision maker notices that one of the ECN ’s assigned drawing has a spelling error and determines that it would be best to just have the spelling error corrected without rejecting the entire ECN record. The decision maker would select the record from within its [ DOCUMENT ] grid with the right-mouse button and from its menu, select the [Reject from Workflow] command:
The decision maker will be presented with a dialog similar to the following, allowing the decision maker to specify why the assigned document is being rejected at this time:
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: DOCUMENT
Based on the environment’s options, an automatic email may be created with details for notifying the responsible user(s):
Since the assigned document has been [Rejected from Workflow], its “ No Life-Cycle ” status is automatically removed so it can once again be CHECKED-OUT from within MechWorks PDM:
Furthermore, the displayed values of the assigned document within the [ DOCUMENT ] grid within the EC Data Form is now highlighted by using red text instead of black text:
More, while one or more assigned documents of an EC Data Form are [Rejected from Workflow], the workflow Buttons that would normally note [Reject] and [Approve] are replaced with a Button that notes [On Hold] and it is automatically disabled. This ensures that the EC record cannot be approved forward or rejected backwards until the assigned document in question is properly addressed:
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: DOCUMENT
From MechWorks PDM, the assigned user selects the assigned document and they execute a CHECKED-OUT to correct it accordingly. Once it has been corrected, the user executes a CHECKED-IN from within MechWorks PDM. With the corrections applied to the assigned documents, the user will then need to [Edit] the specific EC record so they can use its [Resubmit To Workflow] command from within the [ DOCUMENT ] grid of the specific EC Data Form:
The “ No Life-Cycle ” status is automatically re-applied so the records cannot be life-cycled within MechWorks PDM and the displayed values of the assigned document within the [ DOCUMENT ] grid within the EC Data Form is no longer highlighted by using red text (they once again have black text):
More, if all of EC record’s assigned documents are no longer noted as being [Rejected from Workflow], the workflow Buttons that were previously changed to [On Hold] and disabled will return to being the [Reject] and [Approve] Buttons. This ensures that the EC record can once again be approved forward or rejected backwards as needed.
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: ATTACHMENTS
The [ ATTACHMENTS ] grid displays the EC Data Form’s attachments. The fields shown within the grid can be configured by the administrator by including or removing fields and changing their order within the grid. Attachments are additional clarifying documents added to the EC Data Form as needed, such as marked up eDrawings, PDFs, or photos with detailed information.
Regardless of the EC Data Form’s mode (New, View, or Edit), the records within the [ ATTACHMENTS ] grid can be selected using the right-mouse button to access its [Open] command. If the EC Data Form is opened within its Edit mode, the [ ATTACHMENTS ] grid can also include an [ Add ] and a [ Remove ] command:
• [Open]: Opens the selected attachment’s file (the physical file, usually a marked-up document). • [Add]: Allows the user to navigate and locate a physical file that will become an attachment to the EC Data Form. The administrator can configure the options that determine where the identified file will be automatically moved to. • [Remove]: Allows the user to remove the selected attachment from the EC Data Form.
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: ATTACHMENTS
To add an attachment to an EC Data Form, start by making sure that the EC Data Form is opened in its Edit mode. Next, from its [ ATTACHMENTS ] grid right mouse select anywhere within its background and select the [Add] command from its menu:
The user will be presented with a dialog similar to the following, allowing the user to navigate and select a file to become an attachment. With the file selected (and listed within the “File name” area of the dialog), select its [Open] command:
The selected file will be automatically moved to the designated network folder (based on the option configured by the administrator) and it will be listed within the [ ATTACHMENT ] grid within the EC Data Form:
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: ATTACHMENTS
To remove an attachment from an EC Data Form, start by making sure that the EC Data Form is opened in its Edit mode. Next, from its [ ATTACHMENTS ] grid right mouse select the attachment’s record and select the [Remove] command from its menu:
The user will be presented with a confirmation dialog similar to the following:
• If the user selects [No], the removal process is cancelled. • If the user selects [Yes], the attachment record is removed from the EC Data Form (but the attachment’s physical file is NOT deleted).
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: CONFIGURATION
If the MechWorks PDM environment allows distinct configuration records to be registered within its database, the EC Data Form will have a [ CONFIGURATION ] grid. The fields shown within the grid can be configured by the administrator by including or removing fields and changing their order within the grid.
The records listed within the EC Data Form’s [ CONFIGURATION ] grid are directly related to the record that is actively selected within the EC Data Form’s [ DOCUMENT ] grid. For example, if the user selects an assigned document from within the [ DOCUMENT ] grid (which also has related registered configuration records within MechWorks PDM), then selects the [ CONFIGURATION ] grid, the selected assigned document’s configuration records will be listed:
40136 Bologna Italy
Data Form – Grids: CONFIGURATION
If the user went back to the [ DOCUMENT ] grid and selects a different assigned document, then returns to the [ CONFIGURATION ] grid, it will list the registered configuration records associated to the selected assigned document. If the selected assigned document does not have any associated configuration records registered within MechWorks PDM, the [ CONFIGURATION ] grid will be empty:
Environments that manage configuration specific records usually have specific rules/standards that the users are expected to honor. For example, it may be a rule/standard that all managed configurations for a file must be made from the same material or that all managed configurations for a file can only have one variable that is different between each configuration (like the length value). Depending on these rules/standards, the EC record may or may not impact multiple configuration records for its associated documents. Depending on how the administrator has configured the environment, users may be able to define precisely which managed configuration records are directly assigned to the EC record from its [ CONFIGURATION ] grid. For example, it may be possible to assign some of the registered configuration records associated to the selected assigned document from the EC record, but not all of the registered configuration records associated to the selected assigned document. NOTE: Even if the administrator has configured the environment to allow users to precisely define which managed configurations records are assigned to an EC Data Form, the functionality will only be available if the EC Data Form is opened in Edit mode and the EC record is NOT in workflow (or optionally, depending on an administrative option, the EC record may be able to be in its first workflow state).
40136 Bologna Italy
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